How to Spring Clean Your Jewellery

Spring Cleaning Jewellery

As the flowers bloom and the temperatures rise, springtime brings with it the promise of a new beginnings and a fresh start. While we often focus on tidying up our homes and decluttering our wardrobes, it's easy to overlook one area that could use a little attention: our jewellery collection.

Over time, jewellery might lose its sparkle and shine—unless it's cared for regularly. Giving your jewellery a spring clean will help restore its beauty and ensure it remains wearable for years to come.

So, this spring, give your jewellery the attention it deserves and enjoy the renewed sparkle of your favourite pieces with our eco-friendly jewellery care tips.

What is the most effective way to clean jewellery?

An easy and effective way to clean gold and silver jewellery is by using a mild soap, lukewarm water, and a soft cloth. This method is safe, non-abrasive, and will restore the jewellery's natural shine without causing any damage.

How to Spring Clean Your Jewellery

How to Spring Clean Jewellery

By following these jewellery care tips and incorporating regular maintenance into your routine, you can keep your jewellery looking beautiful for years to come.

Assess the Jewellery

Start by gathering all your jewellery and assessing each piece individually. Look for signs of tarnishing, dirt, scratches, or loose stones. Separate the jewellery pieces that require cleaning or repairs from those that are in good condition.

Gather Cleaning Supplies

Before starting the cleaning process, make sure you have all the necessary supplies to hand. Here is everything you need to clean jewellery properly:

  • Mild Soap or Jewellery Cleaner: Choose a gentle soap or jewellery cleaner specifically formulated for the type of jewellery you have. Our favourite is Dr.Bronner's Sal Sads.
  • Soft-bristled Toothbrush: This will help you reach into small crevices and clean intricate details.
  • Microfiber Cloth: Perfect for cleaning, drying, buffing your jewellery for a sparkling finish.
  • Polishing Cloth: Ideal for removing tarnish and restoring shine to metal surfaces.
  • Jewellery Cleaning Solution: If you have heavily tarnished silver jewellery, consider using a specialised cleaning solution for better results.
  • Warm Water: For rinsing off dirt and soap residue.

Clean the Jewellery

Now that you have all the jewellery cleaning supplies you need, it's time to start cleaning your jewellery:

  1. Prepare a Cleaning Solution: If you're using a jewellery cleaner, follow the instructions on the bottle to prepare the solution. Otherwise, mix a few drops of mild soap with warm water in a shallow bowl.
  2. Soak Your Jewellery: Soak each piece of jewellery in the cleaning solution for at least 10 minutes. This will help loosen any dirt or debris, making it easier to clean.
  3. Scrub Gently: Using a soft-bristled toothbrush, gently scrub the jewellery, paying close attention to areas with dirt build-up or intricate details. Be careful not to scrub too hard, especially if your jewellery contains delicate gemstones or pearls.
  4. Rinse Thoroughly: After cleaning, rinse the jewellery under lukewarm running water to remove any soap residue.
  5. Dry and Polish: Use a microfiber cloth to dry your jewellery thoroughly, then gently polish it with a polishing cloth to restore its shine.
  6. Inspect for Damage: Take this opportunity to inspect your jewellery for any signs of damage or loose stones. If you notice any issues, consider taking it to a professional jeweller for repairs.

How to Spring Clean Jewellery

Special Care for Different Types of Jewellery

Different types of jewellery may require special care depending on whether it's tarnished or just dirty.

  • Silver Jewellery: To remove heavy tarnishing from silver jewellery, consider using a silver polishing cloth or a silver cleaning solution. Avoid using abrasive cleaners as these can scratch the metal.
  • Gold Jewellery: Be careful of cleaning gold-plated jewellery, as excessive scrubbing may remove the gold layer. Using a mild soap, lukewarm water, and a soft cloth is gentle and effective.
  • Gemstone Jewellery: Certain gemstones require extra care. Avoid using harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners, as they can damage the stones. Instead, gently clean them with a damp soft cloth.
  • Enamel Jewellery: To restore the vibrant colour and shine or enamel charms, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub the enamel surface. Just be careful not to apply too much pressure.

Regular Jewellery Maintenance

To keep your jewellery looking its best and avoid having to regularly deep clean your pieces, incorporate these jewellery maintenance habits into your daily routine.

  • Store Jewellery Properly: Store your jewellery in a dry, clean place away from sunlight and humidity. Use individual pouches or jewellery boxes to prevent scratches and tangling.
  • Always Secure Clasps: To prevent tangled chains, make sure to secure the clasp on each necklace and use proper storage to keep them safe.
  • Avoid Exposure to Chemicals: Remove your Jewellery before swimming, showering, or applying lotions, perfumes, and hairsprays. These substances can cause damage or permanent tarnishing.
  • Professional Cleaning: For valuable or sentimental jewellery that requires a deep clean, Consider taking your jewellery to a professional jeweller once or twice a year to maintain its shine.

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Written by Sophie Davies

Sophie is a freelance writer and full-time jeweller. She has been writing about style and sustainability for over ten years; exploring simple living, sustainable style, and slow travel. She writes for a variety of brands and publications as well as her personal blog, A Considered Life.

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